Tuesday 31 December 2013

Logan is feeding himself

Such a good little man...fed himself while mommie changed his diaper.

Monday 30 December 2013

Logan's baby babbling...Da da da da

After an afternoon with Grandpa Mark amd Gramdma Jan yesterday, Logan has improved on his vocal skills.
He is now saying "Da da da da"

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Logan's First Christmas Morning

Logan spent his first Christmas morning with Richard's family...

Auntie Laura, Logan is going to be your size soon...
Grandma Jan...we are wearing very festive clothes for Christmas morning.

Logan loves grandpa Mark!

 Logan got lots of Christmas presents from grandma, grandpa, auntie Laura and uncle Jeremy. The presents were all great, but the most interesting one to Logan was a brand new red convertible from grandma Jan and grandpa Mark!

Sunday 8 December 2013

Logan's First Christmas Tree

The family's first Christmas had to be celebrated with a real Christmas Tree, according to Richard. So we went to John Oliver Secondary School, where the Vancouver South Lions Club was selling Christmas Trees for charity, to pick out our tree. As a family, we picked up a beautiful Noble Fir.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Logan's First Tastes of...food and TOES???

Today was a big day for Logan...
He got his first taste of baby rice cereal...
And he also had his first taste of his own toes...